Like many of us January is a time to get ourselves back into healthy eating habits or maybe even starting afresh. Some of us will last the month maybe even longer and others just a matter of hours. What we sometimes forget is that healthy eating is a journey and some journeys can take longer than others and we need to take our time and enjoy the ride ;-)
Now that the festive season is over and all temptations have been disposed of (eaten!) I am now on my third and final month of using XLS-Medical Max Strength. I must say this month more than others I am even more determined to get my weight down. Like many we use Christmas and the New Year as an excuse to over indulge and while this season I was a lot better than I have been in the past I now want to get back to a healthier me. I want to make 2016 the year that I finally can say I am at a weight that I am happy with and that is healthy. Don't get me wrong, I am happy with myself but I know my weight and fitness are not healthy for me and I need to turn this around.
In a recent post "I'm dropping in the right direction" I shared with you some figures to show you how my weight and measurements have changed since I began my journey in June 2014. As you can see above there have been quite a number of fluctuations and today After popping down this morning to check my current weight in Marrons Pharmacy, I'd like to update you on where I am now.
While there is not a big difference with my weight you can see from my waist I have lost nearly 4 inches which to me is great. While it is important that my weight drops in the right direction I feel it is important that I look at the overall numbers. If I am exercising more and toning up it means that I am gaining muscle which in turn is heavier than fat.
Prior to Christmas I had weighed myself in Marrons Pharmacy and I was 76.75kg so a 0.9kg gain over the Christmas isn't too bad (I think!)! Tracking your inch loss is a great way to show you how your body is changing in a positive way.
On the slide robes in our bedroom I wrote down my weight, waist and also my stomach measurements on 1st June 2014! None were a pretty read but I'm glad to say that since then I have lost over 4.5inches off my stomach alone! My aim is that by the end of January I will add at least another inch off my stomach along with some more losses in the right places ;-)
So, with this being my final month using XLS-Medical Max Strength I really want to give it my all and here is how I plan to do so!
- Dry January - This year I am taking part in Dry January. I think this is great not only for cutting down on alcohol but for keeping me focused. Like many I enjoy a drinkie at the weekend but by cutting it out for the coming weeks I hope to see a significant difference.
- Kettlebells! - I've increased the weight I use when I do my Squats with this 2.5kg kettlebell I purchased in Aldi yesterday for only €5.99. I'm not out to bulk myself up with muscle but I wold like to tone what I do have!
- Squats - I will be increasing the number of squats I do from a minimum of 50 to 60 per day. Along with that I will be increasing the number of days I do them from 3 to a minimum of 4 but no more than 5 days per week.
- Walking - It is time for me to up my pace! With my son being back to school tomorrow (YAY) and weather permitting I will be walking him to and from school each day. When the weather is not on my side I will be taking advantage of the kids early bedtime and getting out in the evenings to make sure I get the fresh air and exercise I need!
- Diet - I will be concentrating all the more on having a healthier diet. I want to try and avoid sandwiches at least 5 days per week and come up for some alternatives that I know I will and can eat!
Above are just simple changes that I am making but I believe that these changes will make a significant difference to me and that I am losing weight and inches plus also benefiting my health.
Each week I will be dropping into Jonathan in Marrons Pharmacy to check on my weight loss and I will be updating you all via my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram so don't forget to follow to see how my journey is going ;-)
What are your top tips for weight loss? What areas do you struggle with?